What Does Sentry do?

Sentry is an error-tracking and performance-monitoring platform to help developers diagnose and fix issues in their code.


Sentry is an error-tracking and performance-monitoring platform to help developers diagnose and fix issues in their code.

  • Errors (think, any event causing an application to misbehave) are inevitable facets of commercial software development (it’s true 😣)

  • Sentry provides a SDK that developers can plug into their codebase to capture errors, and a graphical interface to contextualize and take action on them

  • Sentry is best known for error tracking, but also provides application performance monitoring to better understand how well a team’s app is performing

Sentry is a well-regarded staple for many development teams, and they know it.

Terms Mentioned

Companies Mentioned

The core Sentry product: error tracking

The world of software bugs is vast, and while there’s no established delineation between these pesky terms, we can assume the following for future reference:

Software Error: Any event or condition during the execution of a program that disrupts the normal flow of the code.

There are many classes of issues that may arise during development and execution (i.e. the actual running) of a software application, each with their own quirks and methods for handling.

Sentry is a platform for monitoring and tracking these errors in software applications. By default, it handles and reports any uncaught errors (those not encapsulated in a try/catch block), while also allowing collecting the handled errors. Capturing the errors is just the first step: Sentry also does most of the dirty work in classifying, grouping, and visualizing errors to make them legible and easy to take action on.

What Does Sentry do?

Software Errors: 101

Bugs, errors, crashes, exceptions, defects, etc. WTF?

The world of software bugs is vast, and while there’s no established delineation between these pesky terms, we can assume the following for future reference:

__Software Error:...