What does Elastic do?

Elasticsearch is a popular open source database for storing and searching unstructured data.


Elastic is the commercial company behind Elasticsearch, a popular open source database for storing and searching unstructured data.

  • Companies collect loads of unstructured data in the form of logs, requests, sessions, server metrics, etc.

  • Elasticsearch is a database to store that data, and a search engine to easily comb through it

  • Unlike MongoDB or MySQL, Elasticsearch is an analytical database, not a production one

  • Elasticsearch is commonly used with Kibana, its sister data visualization tool

Elasticsearch is a highly popular option for use cases around log management, typically for larger companies. The company behind the open source software went public back in 2018 and did around $400M in revenue in 2020.

The core Elastic product: search

When you think of search, you probably think about Google. But on the engineering side, developers need to search through a lot of stuff, especially logs of what’s happening on their servers and apps. Elasticsearch, and the managed service for it that Elastic (the company) provides, is a database and search engine for doing just that.

Elasticsearch’s primary use cases revolve around things that commonly need, well, search. One big theme centers around infrastructure management, but teams also use it for security and even user facing search engines. It’s also most commonly used with what’s called the ELK stack, which is a series of adjacent tools that help you use Elasticsearch like Kibana and Logstash.

Elastic Kibana interface showing data visualization and analysis tools

Another database? Some taxonomy

Yet another database !? Yes, my dear readers, another database. But Elasticsearch isn’t like other databases; it’s use case specific, meaning it was designed for doing specific things with particular types of data...