The Technically Library

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100 Posts

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ELI5: The CrowdStrike Outage

What actually happened from a technical perspective

basics | misc.

What are integrations, and how do they work?

All about how apps talk to one another

basics | misc.

The Details: Platform as a Service (PaaS)

Honoring our late friend, Heroku, may its memory be a blessing

basics | misc.

The Excel User's Guide to Databases: Databases and APIs

What's the point of an API if you have a database?

basics | misc.

What happens when an app goes down? All about outages

Death, taxes, and outages: why being a software engineer isn't always so cushy.

basics | misc.

Comparing available LLMs for non-technical users

How do ChatGPT, Mistral, Gemini, and Llama3 stack up for common tasks like generating sales emails?

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The Excel User's Guide to Databases: Migrations

Why your feature is held up by a migration and why it's actually good

basics | misc.

What Does Sentry do?

Sentry is an error-tracking and performance-monitoring platform to help developers diagnose and fix issues in their code.

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It was never about LLM performance

Beware the benchmark.

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Best of Technically 2023

A roundup of 2023's Technically posts and what to look for next year.

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The Excel User's Guide to Databases: Schemas

Why that schema change is going to take your engineers two weeks

basics | misc.

What does Snyk do?

Helping everyone's code stay vulnerability free

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Ask Technically #7

Open source vs. open core, different cloud providers, and what browsers are

basics | misc.

What does Zapier do?

Zapier is a tool that helps business people make custom integrations between their favorite tools, without needing to write any code.

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What's WebAssembly?

WebAssembly is an experimental technology that allows developers to build really fast web applications that run in your browser.

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What is Observability?

Observability is how businesses know what’s going on with their different systems and operations.

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What is Low Code? Use cases and examples

Part II of the Low Code series looks at what people actually use it for

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What Does Algolia do?

Google's search engine, but for everyone

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What are Passkeys?

Can we finally get rid of usernames and passwords?

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Ask Technically #6

Client libraries, AWS spend, feature flags, and helm charts

basics | misc.

What's Web Scraping?

Getting info from websites automatically, with code

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What’s a data science notebook?

Your data team’s favorite tool you’ve never heard of

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The not-app-building parts of building an app

Large customers require engineers to build several acronyms

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5 models that aren't ChatGPT and what you can use them for

OpenAI isn't the only one having fun

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What's an ORM?

The database translator app

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What does OpenAI do?

ML model vendor? Or the most interesting company in the world?

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What is Low-Code?

Part I of a 2-parter explores the trend of using more UI in software building

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What does Splunk do?

Logs, Jerry. Logs!

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Who's Afraid of the CLI?

Demystifying the scary black box, AKA the Terminal

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What does Vercel do?

Making deploying your frontend as easy as possible

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Ask Technically #5

Runtimes, software libraries, and gRPC

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How does a feature get made?

Walking practically through how an engineer builds something

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AI updates: GPT-4, plugins, and the AI free zone

A quick dispatch on what's been going on in the wacky world of machine learning

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The Beginner's Guide to Databases

There are 300+ databases; what do they all do?

basics | misc.

What does Heroku do?

The beloved, tragic platform as a service explained

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What's Encryption?

How developers protect sensitive data

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[Deep Dive] How do Large Language Models work?

Breaking down what ChatGPT and others are doing under the hood

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What's a Blockchain?

[Technically tries crypto] it's really just online accounting

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What's the Modern Data Stack?

Overused marketing ploy, or the future of data teams?

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Introducing Technically Learning Tracks

How to get from 0 to decently technical

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Ask Technically #4

All about APIs: payloads, SDKs, and Swagger

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[Technically dispatch] ChatGPT, and why are these new ML models so good

Explaining recent advances in creepy good AI

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What does Snowflake do?

Explaining the biggest tech IPO ever

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What are microservices?

What is this? An architecture for ants?

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What does Postman do?

An entire company that helps people use APIs

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What's Tokenization?

Keeping your credit cards (and more) safe from the baddies

basics | misc.

[Technically dispatch] what is A/B testing and what did LinkedIn do wrong

What experimentation is and why people are yelling about it

long-form | misc.

The technical literacy crisis and how to solve it

It's too hard to understand the basics of how software work, and it's not good.

basics | misc.

What do internal engineering tools look like?

How engineers engineer their engineering

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Ask Technically #3

Integrations, PM requirements for data models, and native apps vs. web apps

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The Details: Frontends and Backends

How an application is sort of like a restaurant

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How do I get more technical?

Tips for leveling up your technical chops and being more effective at work

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Ask Technically #2

Microservices, object oriented programming, and browser compatibility

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What's a Data Lake?

And why is everything water related?

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Ask Technically #1

All of your questions, forever answered

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The Details: production databases (SQL and NoSQL)

A deep dive into the databases that power our apps

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How do product analytics work?

You're being watched, sort of

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What's GraphQL?

Just say what you want, honey

basics | misc.

What does Elastic do?

Yet another database! feat. search

long-form | apps

The JAMStack and the startups building it

What the JAMStack is, tooling, and why use case specific APIs are going to continue to grow in popularity.

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What's Reverse ETL?

Getting your data OUT of your warehouse?

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What does New Relic do?

Keeping an eye on your servers and apps

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What does GitLab do?

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The top 5 things PMs should know about engineering

A cross post extravaganza

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The Details: CI

Standardized testing for your code

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What's Headless E-Commerce?

We may be running out of names

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What does Twilio do?

Call me, text me, if you want to reach me

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What happened to Facebook?

A basic explainer of what that outage was all about

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What does dbt do?

The talk of the (fish)town

long-form | apps

APIs for the rest of us

A practical beginner's guide to working with APIs in the wild: what they are and how to use them.

basics | misc.

What are webhooks?


basics | misc.

What does Hashicorp do?

Infrastructure for managing your infrastructure

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What does Cloudflare do?

The biggest internet company you've never heard of

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What does MongoDB do?

A database for the people, and the companies

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What does Databricks do?

The $28B private company nobody understands

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What's Serverless?

Beware of marketers

long-form | data

SQL for the rest of us

A beginner's guide to SQL: what it is, why it's important, and how to write it.

basics | misc.

What does UIPath do?

Creating robots that will destroy us

long-form | misc.

What your data team is using: the analytics stack

Which products, methods, and services data teams use to build modern systems.

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What's a SOC 2 certification?

Ah shit, it's the auditors again

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The Details: Data Warehouses

The post you have all been waiting for

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How does authentication work?

Identity theft is not a joke, Jim 

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What does JFrog do?

I cannot for the life of me understand this company's name

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What your data team is using: the analytics stack

Finally, something I actually know about

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What does Stripe do?

Because half of the fanboys have never even used the product

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What does Plaid do?

Technically begrudgingly tackles Fintech

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What's DevOps?

IT has a cool new name

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What does Okta do?

Identity theft is not a joke, Jim

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What's a VPN?

Don't worry it's not just for porn (not that there's anything wrong with that)

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What does Datadog do?

I've got my eyes on you

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What's Kubernetes?

The post you’ve all been waiting for and struggling to pronounce

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The Details: ETL

More on this hilariously obscure topic

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What does Segment do?

An explanation of Segment's technology and business

long-form | apps

AWS for the rest of us

AWS is the premier cloud provider - they sell the infrastructure building blocks to build modern apps.

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I built a (basic) Substack clone in a month

This was probably a waste of my time

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What's CI/CD?

Lots of small mistakes instead of one big one

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How open source works (or doesn't work)

A Technically book review?!

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What's GPT-3?

Machine Learning has advanced - ThE eNd iS NeAr

basics | misc.

Technically survey

Chance at a $150 Amazon gift card!

long-form | misc.

What your developers are using: the application stack

Which products, methods, and services developers use to build modern applications.