← Back to UniverseQuerydatabasesbeginnerA query is how talk to your database. Queries can read data, write it, update it, or even just handle admin stuff within the database itself. Queries can be in SQL (structured), but also in more flexible programming languages (client libraries).Read the full post ↗What's a relational database?How most developers store and analyze application data.Read in the Knowledge Base →Mentioned inThe Beginner's Guide to DatabasesThere are 300+ databases; what do they all do?FoundationaldatabasesThe Details: Data WarehousesA deep dive into data warehouses, what they do, and how different ones stack up.Deep DiveanalyticsThe top 5 things Marketers should know aboutToday more than ever, being more technical as a marketer will help you understand what’s going on under the hood, become more self-sufficient, and ultimately just move faster.Deep DivebedrockThe Excel User's Guide to Databases: SchemasWhy that schema change is going to take your engineers two weeks.ApplieddatabasesRelevant companiesdbt Labs$PRIVATEAlgolia$PRIVATESplunk$SPLKUIPath$PATHDatabricks$PRIVATEZapier$PRIVATESnowflake$SNOWMongoDB$MDBRelated termsMetadataSQLVector Database